The story of the Avellan brothers goes back over 20 years. Watch the autobiography to learn their humble beginnings, and watch their triumphs in the mixed martial arts world. Many videos of their matches are included.
Avellan Brothers Autobiography
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In and Out Striking Drills
David, , Videos, Drills, Marcos Avellan, Punches, Strikes, Striking, 0
Cool drills for practicing going in and out, a valuable skill set versus flat footed opponents.
Top Half Rolling Kimura Trap
David, , Videos, David Avellan, Grappling, Half Guard, Kimura, Kimura Roll, Kimura Trap, Submissions, Top, 0
For that person that has impecccable Kimura defense, it can be tempting to abandon the Kimura and look for...
Overhook Guard Triangle Choke
David, , Videos, Bottom, Classes, Control, David Avellan, Grappling, Guard, Over Hook Guard, Submissions, Triangle Choke, 0
Master David teaches how to setup a triangle choke from the overhook guard, a very strong defensive position for...
Bob and Weave with Counter
David, , Videos, Bob and Weave, Combinations, Cross, Defense, Footwork, Hook, Jab, Kevin Perez, Marcos Avellan, Punches, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, Uppercut, 0
Master Marcos with Coach Kevin Illustrating Bobbing & Weaving with Combinations.
[01-31-14] 10AM Wrestling Class with Master Marcos
David, , Videos, Classes, Inside Trip, Marcos Avellan, Over Hook, Positions, Take Downs, Techniques, Trips, Wrestling, 0
Master Marcos Demonstrating the Inside Trip off the Standing Overhook Position.
Step Forward Snap Front Kick
David, , Videos, David Avellan, Devin Genchi, Footwork, Forward, Front Kick, Kicks, Step, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, 0
Master Marcos & Coach Devin Going Over How to Step Forward Using the Snap Front Kick Attack.
Gordon Ryan vs Felipe Pena 3 - Sweep Break Down
David, , Videos, Back Take, Bottom, David Avellan, Felipe Pena, Gordon Ryan, Grappling, Half Guard, Overwrap, Sweeps, Techniques, 0
On August 7th, 2022, the grappling world had one of the most hyped matches in it's history, Gordon Ryan...
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