Master David & Coach Rey Doing a Standing Armlock Transitioning to a Wrist Lock and Finishing with a Reverse...
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Standing Armlock
David, , Videos, Arm Lock, David Avellan, Grappling, Rey Suarez, Stand Up, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master David & Coach Rey Teaching a Standing Armlock Attack.
Step Backward Snap Front Kick
David, , Videos, David Avellan, Defense, Devin Genchi, Footwork, Front Kick, Kicks, Step Back, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, 0Master David & Coach Devin Showing a Defensive Attack to Use the Snap Front Kick.
Standing Up From Open Guard
David, , Videos, Bottom, Butt Scoot, Control, Edir Terry, Escapes, Grappling, Guard, Kevin Perez, Kick Away, Open Guard, Stand Up, Techniques, 0Coach Kevin & Coach Edir Showing a Aggressive Way How to Stand Up from the Open Guard.
Step Forward Snap Front Kick
David, , Videos, David Avellan, Devin Genchi, Footwork, Forward, Front Kick, Kicks, Step, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, 0Master Marcos & Coach Devin Going Over How to Step Forward Using the Snap Front Kick Attack.
Step Over Counter
David, , Videos, Counter, Defenses, Grappling, Head Inside Single Leg, Marcos Avellan, Mount, Rey Suarez, Shot Counters, Shots, Stand Up, Step Over, Take Downs, Techniques, Top, Transitions, Wrestling, 0Master Marcos & Coach Rey Step Over Counter to the Head Inside Single Transitioning into the Mount.
Step Over Knee Bar From Side Mount
David, , Videos, Control, David Avellan, Edgard Plazaola, Grappling, Knee Bar, Low Reverse Sit Out, Rey Suarez, Side Mount, Step Over to Mount, Submissions, Techniques, Top, Transitions, 0Master David With Coach Edgard & Coach Rey Doing a Kneebar Variation off Side Control.
Step Over Knee Bar from Half Guard
David, , Videos, David Avellan, Edgard Plazaola, Grappling, Half Guard, Knee Bar, Passes, Rey Suarez, Step Pass, Submissions, Techniques, Top, 0Master David With Coach Edgard & Coach Rey Demonstrating the Step Over Pass from Half Guard Transition into a...
Straight Ankle Lock Escape
David, , Videos, Achilles Lock, Bottom, David Avellan, Edgard Plazaola, Escapes, Grappling, Guard, Leg Locks, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master David & Coach Edgard Showing One Escape from the Straight Ankle Lock Setup.
Straight Ankle Lock
David, , Videos, Ankle Lock, Control, David Avellan, Edgard Plazaola, Grappling, Guard, Guard Breaks, Guest, Knee Wedge, Submissions, Techniques, Top, 0Master David & Coach Edgard Covering the Straight Ankle Lock from the Top.
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