Master David and Enrico review some knee and kick counters.
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Clinch Stumbles to Elbow Combinations
David, , Videos, David Avellan, Elbows, Enrico Cocco, Instructors / Fighters, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, Thai Clinch, 0Master David reviews elbows from breaking clinches with Enrico Cocco
Round Kick Catch Counters
David, , Videos, Catch, David Avellan, Defense, Elbows, Front Kick, Horizontal, Instructors / Fighters, Kicks, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, Vertical, 0Master David reviews some kick catch counters with Joe Ray
Muay Thai Elbow Counters
David, , Videos, Catch, David Avellan, Defense, Instructors / Fighters, Kicks, Overhand, Parry, Punches, Reverse Upwards, Spinning Back, Striking, Techniques, Vertical, 0Master David reviews 3 elbow counters against various strikes.
Muay Thai Elbow Combinations
David, , Videos, Combinations, David Avellan, Elbows, Instructors / Fighters, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, 0Master David and Enrico review elbow combinations they learned in Thailand at Tiger Muay Thai.
Thailand Technique Review 1
David, , Videos, Instructors / Fighters,David Avellan, Kicks, Knees, Near Foot Sweep, Round Knee, Roundhouse, Strikes, Striking, Sweeps, Take Downs, Techniques, Thai Knee, Wrestling, 0Master David and Enrico Cocco review tehcniques they learned in Thailand at Tiger Muay Thai. From round kick combinations...
Read hand inside trap
David, , Videos, Boxing, Dirty Boxing, Jab, Punches, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, 0Dirty boxing
Squeezle Diesel Defense and transitions
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Chokes, Grappling, Guillotine, Jason Soares, Kimura, Squesel Diesel, Submissions, Techniques, 0Squeezle Deisel Defense and transitions
Squeezle Diesel transition chain
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Chokes, Grappling, Jason Soares, Squesel Diesel, Submissions, Techniques, 0Squeezle Diesel transition chain
Head kick drill with counter combination
David, , Videos, Jason Soares, Kicks, Punches, Strikes, Striking, Techniques, 0Head kick drill with counter combination
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