Master Marcos Avellan shows a very sneaky gogoplata off an arm bar.
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Slip Bag Kata
David, , Videos, Bob and Weave, Defense, Drills, Marcos Avellan, Punches, Slip, Striking, Techniques, 0Master Marcos Avellan goes over the Slip Bag Kata, which is a drill to practice slipping using a slip...
Homer Simpson Arm Bar Counter
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Escapes, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master Marcos Avellan goes over how to defend an Arm Bar using the Homer Simpson escape.
Stacking Armbar Counter
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Escapes, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master Marcos Avellan goes over how to defend an Arm Bar by stacking.
Arm Bar Anticipation Counter
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Escapes, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master Marcos Avellan goes over how to defend an Arm Bar by anticipating and using the high leg bump...
High Leg Bump vs Arm Bar
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Escapes, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master Marcos Avellan goes over how to defend an Arm Bar using the high leg bump.
Elbow Tuck Counter vs Arm Bar
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Arm Locks, Escapes, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Submissions, Techniques, 0Master Marcos Avellan goes over how to defend an Arm Bar using the elbow tuck.
Arm Bar to X Counter
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Mount, Submissions, Techniques, Top, 0Master Marcos goes over this basic counter to an opponent's defense to lock their hands when attacked with the...
Arm Bar to Triangle Choke Counter
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Mount, Submissions, Techniques, Top, Triangle Choke, 0Master Marcos goes over this basic counter to an opponent's defense to lock their hands when attacked with the...
Arm Bar to Foot in the Bicep Counter
David, , Videos, Arm Bar, Grappling, Marcos Avellan, Mount, Submissions, Techniques, Top, 0Master Marcos goes over this basic counter to an opponent's defense to lock their hands when attacked with the...
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